So I came across my dismal excuse for a blog today and decided to update it. I am going to try to keep updating my blog as much as possible but like my many attempts to keep a journal I cannot make any promises, this will be one of those thought that counts kind of a situation. My life is not crazy exciting but I feel how much I learn every day how much I want to keep on learning and the direction my business is going is something I am very proud of and would like to share. I am hoping this will be somewhere that will allow me to write about my photography and inspire me to shoot not only for my clients but myself.
I have been crazy busy this summer and loving every minute of it. I am going to be back tracking a bit about some of my jobs that sand out in my mind from the last couple months and then add the new stuff. My newest conundrum is picking a business name; I still intend on doing some work under my current business name, but having hyphenated my name and taking on a staff and expanding my business I feel having my business under my name would hold me back. So my thought was ok I will just pick a name, easier said than done I have been doing research and asking many people but nothing seems to be right and anything I take even a slight interest in seems to be taken SO I am still looking and hopefully will come up with one soon so I can finally proceed with having a website and whole new advertising layout designed!
That is all for now !