Allowing someone to take your picture takes a certain amount of trust, and with even a tiny bit of trust, becomes seconds of pure beauty. Its my job to capture that!
My name is Nicole Murphy-Genier. I am an Ottawa based professional photographer. I shoot everything, but people are my specialty, I love being able to interact with whom i am shooting. I feel allowing someone to take your picture takes a certain amount of trust, and with even a tiny bit of trust, becomes seconds of pure beauty. Its my job to capture that!
I shoot purely digital and enjoy using Photoshop and filters to take each photo to the next level. Some pictures need little to no re-touching and some scream for drama. No matter how apparent it may be in the final product. I don't feel that I change the person I am shooting in any way by photoshopping a picture, a pimple or a blemish is not who you are. Some people's faces and eyes are art in themselves, so adding a colour or a filter won't take away from that it has the potential to help a feature or a moment really make a statement.